# if needed install.packages("ggplot2")
ggplot: Questions
Load the ggplot2 library (install it if you have to) and the diamonds data set using data()
Explore the data set using dim(), str() and help(), which variables are continuous, which variables are discrete? Is this data set ready for plotting with ggplot?
Use ggplot to plot a scatterplot of the relationship between the diamonds’ carat a
Make all dots darkblue and set the alpha value to 0.1
Visualize the influence of the color of a diamond on its price by mapping the diamond color to the color aesthetic
Use a ggplot barplot to visualize diamond clarity depending on color, map diamond color to x and diamond clarity to fill
Create a boxplot of the carat of a diamond based on its clarity and add whiskers using stat_boxplot
Add a geom_point layer to the previous plot mapping the diamonds price to the color
Create a histogram of the price of the diamonds and separate the histograms into facets using diamond color, choose a good binwith or number of bins
Create a grid of facets of the same histogram by comparing both color and cut
Use aggregate(diamonds, by = list(cut = diamonds$cut, color = diamonds$color), mean)
to calculate the mean of all variables by cut and color. Create a heatmap of the mean prices by cut and color using geom_tile
Change the title of the heatmap to “Average prices”
Change the gradient of the fill scale using ‘scale_fill_gradient2’. Have it go from darkblue to white to darkred, set the midpoint to 4500
Choose and add a theme to the heatmap, or create a theme yourself using the options listed at http://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/theme.html